• Mbuti Pygmies are the least of these My brothers and sisters

    Mbuti Pygmies are the least of these My brothers and sisters

    Mbuti Pygmies are the least of these My brothers and sisters

  • Our Work with refugees

    Our Work with refugees

    Positive Change for Eternal Results

  • Support Positive Change in the Lives of Mbuti Pygmies

    Support Positive Change in the Lives of Mbuti Pygmies

    Support Positive Change in the Lives of Mbuti Pygmies

  • Why Are Pygmies the Poorest People on Earth?

    Why Are Pygmies the Poorest People on Earth?

    Why Are Pygmies the Poorest People on Earth?

Jesus said, “Whatever you have done to the least of these My brothers and sisters, you have done to Me.”  The Greek word that Jesus used for “least” literally means shortest.  Mbuti Pygmies are the shortest people on earth.  More relative is the essence of the meaning of the word “least”.  Mbuti Pygmies are the poorest, most malnourished, most sick (malaria, Typhoid, TB, parasites, etc.) and have an average life expectancy at birth of only 18 to 24 years (lowest on earth). This site is dedicated to My little brothers and sisters and their Positive Change.



A photo-gallery showing scenes from the life of Don and Jenya Foster made by In Touch ministries staff.

Don Foster shows Mbuti pygmy Mbango Ebulo how to use a New Testament Messenger device at Upende village outside Beni town.

In a remote part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, each day brings uncertainty for missionaries Don and Jenya Foster. But they set about their work anyway, knowing that violence, illness, and cultural barriers won’t stop them from sharing the love of Jesus. The Fosters have found success using the In Touch Messenger Lab to preach the gospel in the native languages of the Congolese, in particular Mbuti Pygmies, a disadvantaged people group.

View the full photo-gallery at https://www.intouch.org/read/content/love-in-the-heart-of-africa

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